Thursday, August 23, 2007

There was a comic in the paper the other day that sort of summed up my approach to this whole blog thing. Of course I can't remember which comic it was (I can hardly remember my own name these days), and I can't find the !@#$ paper either, but it essentially was about how one starts out with high expectations and aspirations for writing monumentally important thoughts and ideas but eventually ends up reporting the simple, mundane, everyday stuff, such as what was served for dinner the night before.

That is exactly what has happened here. I mean, sure, I do want to talk about some the mundane stuff, because a year from now I'll have forgotten that I was craving fig newtons and felt like a Mack truck had run over me for most of the last month, but I also was hoping to find a place to share some of my "deeper" thoughts and feelings about this pregnancy and about the person I am currently creating here in my uterus and I really haven't done much of that. I certainly think about such things all the time, but I never seem to get what's swirling around in my head to come out here on the screen.

So what stops me from being able to share that stuff? It's just too much work? Lack of writing ability? I'm afraid it'll sound trite? Or stupid? I get bored and distracted too easily? A lack of time?

All of the above?


Oh well, I am hereby making a promise to myself to do better next time. Right now the cleaners are here and I have to find somewhere to hide out.

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