Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sweetie Boy!

Guess what? You're 10 months old!!!

As of yesterday.

Mom's really sorry, she feels so badly about not updating the blog on the actual date of your 'birthday.' But I remembered after I was in bed last night and although I was going to get up and do it then, I was ever so tired. So Papa convinced me that you'd forgive me, and I stayed in bed.

But I'm updating now, and oh boy, do I have some updates!

This past month you:

  • Started pulling up on things. You can now pull yourself up on anything stationary, without any help at all.
  • Started growing a new tooth on top--the one to the left (your left) of your top front two teeth.
  • Began saying "ball" and "mama" and "dog" and "no" and "dada" to mean those specific things.
  • You're beginning to identify things in your books, as well as in your room. (E.g. if we ask you to find the ball, you go get the ball. Or when I ask you "Where's the mouse" in your bedtime book [which is Goodnight Moon], you point to the mouse.)
  • You went on your first road trip and your first camping trip. You spent nearly six hours in the van on the way to Clifftop, WV, where you camped with us at a music festival where Papa vends each year. You did so well! Much better than Mom ever expected. In fact, had the camper not broken down, Mom probably would have had nothing at all to complain about the entire trip. But, as luck would have it, the camper did break down, and Mom had tons to gripe about the entire trip.
  • You had your first playground experience. Just yesterday Sissy and I took you to the Wendell park to swing on the swings, slide down the slide, and play in the sand. You had a great time. You ate sand! You loved it!
  • You have switched from formula to something known as "Next Step," which is, essentially, formula, but with a few minor changes (e.g. more protein). You've also pretty much given up your two bottles. You still take one in the a.m. and one at night, but you've gone from 8 ounces each time to maybe five, mostly four.
  • You can easily use a pincher grasp to pick food up and put it in your mouth. No more mashing things across your face, hoping that they will make their way, somehow, into your open maw.

I'm sure that there's tons I'm forgetting, but those are the highlights.

What else is going on?

Well, your Big Brother William is getting ready to start college. He heads off to UNC-Wilmington this coming weekend. This is brand new territory for mom, so stay tuned for updates on how this unfolds. Meanwhile, Sissy gets ready for eighth grade. Again, totally new territory. She's the big kid on campus now...but that status is fleeting, as next year she begins high school at the bottom of the totem pool. Meanwhile, Big Brother Alex is preparing to get married. Nikki is his betrothed. They are planning a February wedding. We're trying to convince them to elope and save the money, but I'm not realistically hedging my bets on that happening. Again, stay tuned.

Oh, and I had already started stressing out about your Halloween costume (being the offspring of two dyed-in-the-wool Pastafarians, you're doomed to off-the-wall Halloween get ups), but as fate would have it, I fortunately, (for you?), happened upon, just this past weekend, a $10 frog costume, you will, as of this moment in time, be a frog for Halloween. Happy Frogging! :-)

All my love, forever and always,

times infinity,

whole bunnies,
