Thursday, May 03, 2007

Dear Blob,
It's official, you're a BOY! (And you're not much of a Blob anymore, you are looking like a regular ol' baby these days, so I guess I need to maybe change my greeting to you.)

The doctor was wrong, wrong, wrong last time. You're not a Lillian or a Zoe, you are most certainly a Benjamin or a Simon!

I (we) had an ultrasound two days ago. You are 18 weeks along, and the doctor managed to get images that distinctly show which sex you are.

I have to admit, because I had been thinking of you for over a month as a girl that it was a bit of a shock to discover that you're a boy. I initially was preferring a boy, but then they said "girl" and so I started to get excited about that. So I'm having to get my head back around "boy" again.

I am, quite honestly, just happy that you appear to be a healthy baby. Your sex is really secondary to that.

The main reason to know what sex you are is to get started on the nursery. And to do that, tonight your father and I are going out to Babies R Us and looking around. I have to start by finding some kind of crib bedding I can tolerate. I haven't seen much online that I like, so I'm hoping that in person I will find something. From there we'll do furniture and paint walls and such. Exciting stuff!

I'll keep you posted.

Much love,

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