Monday, June 22, 2009

Well, it finally happened. Mommy became such a blog slacker that she absolutely forgot all about posting on (or around) your 20 month "birthday."

Bad, bad Mommy!

I'm sorry! I really am. I have just been a bit overwhelmed lately. I'll do better next time!

So because I'm limited even now on time and attention (Papa just came home from work and I want to go spend some time with him), I'll try to just hit on the highlights of the previous month:

Your language skills improve everyday. Really, they do. Everyday you say a new word or phrase.

In fact, that's probably the biggest "milestone" event--phrases. You no longer just say "vroom-vroom" when you see my car, you now say "Mommy vroom-vroom." Some other phrases you're using are: "Mommy hold!" (you also say "Papa hold!" but Papa hadn't heard this until today), "No more monkeys" (from the song "Five Little Monkeys"), "Tree broke!" (we had a tree fall in the back yard), "Tree gone" (we hired a company to clean it up and haul it away), and "See birds!" (another recent addition as we had, just in the past day or two, a nest of sparrow eggs hatch in one of the bluebird houses). And these are just a few examples. You can pretty much communicate anything you need to now using two word "sentences." It's so exciting!

So what else?

You're still fascinated with trashcans.

And door knobs.

If there's a trashcan or door knob at an event, playground, museum, etc. we can pretty much give up trying to interest you in anything else going on.

You have a fantastic sense of humor. Did I already mention the "hibou/cat" game in my previous post? I'll have to go check and, if not, explain it when I come back.

Your motor skils, both gross and fine, are progressing normally. You have no troubles scaling stairs and we've been drilling into your head that you must turn around and climb down backwards. You can pick up the tiniest piece of dirt. No problems putting your chunky puzzle pieces in their places. That sort of thing.

Off to go be with Papa now (Mommy loves being with you, but she also enjoys when you're sleeping and she and Papa can just sit and relax a bit). :-)

Love you!!


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