Friday, August 10, 2007

Hi Benjamin!

It's been a little while since I checked in here, just thought I'd write and give a brief update on how things are going.

Actually, not too much going on lately, which is good. I don't expect much action for another month or so. You're growing, I'm growing, we're both doing well.

We have finally gotten the nursery painted and most of the furniture in it (we're still waiting on the dresser to come in) and it's all coming together nicely, as I envisioned it. There are still some small things to do in there, such as hang artwork and put books and toys on your shelves, but that's just "fun" stuff that I can wait to do even after you're here. Especially considering as how you will mostly be in my room in a bassinet for the first few months after you're born. Mommies are very paranoid and feel the need to keep the baby close by. (Or at least this mommy is like that, anyway.)

This weekend your aunt, your sister, and several of my friends are putting together a baby shower at our house. I'm looking forward to it. Mainly because after this weekend I'll know for sure what I don't have and can go out and get it. I have held off buying a lot of things until after this shower in the event that someone else gets it. (I'm not the best about returning stuff, so it's better that I only have one of something.) Of course I'm also looking forward towards seeing everyone and eating lots of yummy things. :-)

Speaking of yummy things, your father sent me a link to some study wherein pregnant rats who ate a lot of junkfood had baby rats who preferred junkfood. Now I'm not a rat and neither are you, and the study did say that a human correlation really couldn't be had at this time, but IF there's any truth to it then I think you're doomed to like junkfood because these days sweets are high on the list of foods that sound appealing to me (which is a rather short list most days). Some of my current "favorite" sweet things are: fig newtons, figs & goat cheese on crackers, ice cream (preferably in a waffle cone), pudding (I do try to limit it to sugar free), oreos, Loco Pops (Mexican Popsicles available only in Durham/Chapel Hill), and Mellow Mushroom's oatmeal cookies.

Besides sweets I still have a thing for Mexican and Indian foods. Other than that, though, it gets tough sometimes to think of things to eat that sound good. Some days I have to force myself to eat dinner simply because I know I need to.

Other pregnancy goings on? I am getting tired again, sort of a repeat of the way I felt the first trimester. Bone tired. Dog tired. Want to lie down and nap all the time tired. It doesn't help any that we've had a couple of intense heat waves where the temp has been >100 degrees F for several days in a row. Heat like that saps the strength out of "normal" people and it really does a number on those of us of the pregnant persuasion.

Oh well, speaking of tired, I think it's about time to call it a night.

Love you!


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