Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Dear Benjamin (I shall refer to you by your name now instead of as Blob, as you are much more baby than blob at this stage in the game),

Happy third trimester!

Yes, hard to believe, but we're going into the third and final trimester (hence the "tri" in trimester). Yesterday marked the beginning of the 27th week. Everything I've read says that were you to be born now you'd have a 90% change of surviving. Not that I want you to be born now, I hope that you will wait until you're fully cooked before trying to make your way out, but if you decide to come early I feel good knowing that you'll most likely be OK.

I'm actually feeling pretty good, all things considered. Sure, I've gained 20 lbs and that doesn't make me terribly happy, but 20 lbs in seven months isn't so bad (I think I gained close to 50 with your brother), and all in all I feel great.

Oh well, your father has cooked dinner and says it's time to eat. Goat cheese pizza, mmm-mmmmm! I'll write more later!


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